If you want to try the Cassandra Universal Driver effortless download this virtual image:
For Virtual Box
Released on 16th April 2014.
Based on C.U.D. Version 1.14 it has everything pre-configured and the following packets:
- Base: Ubuntu server 13.10 64 bit
- Apache
- Oracle Java RE 1.7.0_51-b13 64 bit
- Cassandra (listening on all ports)
- MySql
- C.U.D. with samples (git clone on /home/ubuntu/cassandra-universal-driver)
- htop
- mc
- lynx
Simply download it, play it, and visit your ip /sample_www_form.php
Download: CassandraUniversalDriver-v1.14.zip size ~1 GB
username: ubuntu
password: ubuntu
It is configured to take 2 GB of RAM, and 1 core, and is using for real 1,35 GB of RAM.
Please take in count that running from a virtual machine is not so fast as running on a physical server.
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