First decide what webserver you will have to host the driver.
Any supporting Python will work like Apache, nginx or lighttpd.
We use Apache for our samples.
Ensure you have a Cassandra Cluster responding or install one.
Clone the source code
Once you decided it, clone the repository from git
git clone
If Python is not installed, install it.
Install the dependencies for Cassandra driver
For systems Ubuntu/Debian:
Install python-pip (Installer)
sudo apt-get install python-pip
Install python development tools
sudo apt-get install python-dev
This is required for some of the libraries used by original Cassandra driver.
Install Cassandra driver required libraries
sudo pip install futures sudo pip install blist sudo pip install metrics sudo pip install scales
Test connectivity
Test the connectivity to Cassandra using the supplied example by Cassandra (Attention: it will create and drop a keyspace testkeyspace):
Configure the Webserver
For Apache, configure a site, with internal Ip, blocking incoming requests from outside, and activate Python.
In this sample we activated Python in Apache via cgi-bin.
Do not forget to restart the Webserver for the changes to take effect.
Test the samples
If you have PHP test the thing executing the PHP samples supplied.
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