Version 1.16 of Cassandra Universal Driver has been released

- Added the ability to query another C.U.D. server, path and port in sample client_samples/php/sample_www_form.php
- Added the ability to specify the Cassandra port in sample client_samples/php/sample_www_form.php
- client_samples/php/sample_www_form.php checks if the simplexml_load_file returned false, what means that the XML responded by the driver had a problem/was malformed. This doesn’t have to happen but it is trapped just in case. That case could happen if the had an exception and returned a malformed XML file.
- checks for the existence of the files before trying to copy
Bug Fix
- Fixed a small bug with type conversion when server can’t connect to port
This release only deletes the files from Datastax python driver.
After the comments of one of their Engineers I prefer to remove all their files from my Open Source solution, and you have to download by yourself their python driver with their license.
You can download from here:
The folder you need is cassandra/ is the sample file.
In the original there is a typo, line 82 is wrongly: log.exeception()
Must be:
The documentation will be updated asap.
The version 1.14 of the Cassandra Universal Driver has been released.
Those are the changes:
- Added support to connect to another port of the Cassandra server
- Code samples for: node.js , Perl, Bash
- Added file doc/folder_structure.txt
- Added file doc/requirements.txt
- Added a simple installer that do a basic installation of the samples and the cgi for Apache (base software installation must have been installed first)

- Use of [CDATA [ for the errors, and the data in the XML instead of html entities
- Improvements on client_samples/php/sample_www_form.php to display the original query and the request to both with html entities
- debugp() allows to pass a parameter to stop the execution or not
- The code has been re-factorized to accomplish python standards
- If field is empty (None), empty string is returned instead of None
- utf-8 support
- Partial support for: set, list, map (Although is not recommended to use them)

V1.1 of the Cassandra Universal Driver has been Released
- Added XML response. So can use plain or XML
- Added Perl Code Sample consuming the driver
- Added PHP additional Code Sample to query the database through a web form
- If a field is empty in the database (None for python), empty string is returned instead of literal None
The Cassandra Universal Driver v. 1.0 has been released.
Features at a glance:
- Can be queried from any language that does not have native Cassandra driver (Perl, PHP, Lua, ColdFusion, Flash, Javascript, bash with wget…), simply using GET via webserver estandard request
- Work as web service via Tcp/Ip
- Allows to act as a proxy, so having several layers in your architecture
- Allows to be queried from distant servers not having any other driver, just querying via Tcp/Ip http request
- Support latest version of CQL
- Driver based on Python
- Provides all the data as String. No bizarre data type conversions
- Webserver can be any supporting Python (Apache, lighthttpd, etc…) and so supports all its features like gzip data compression, etcetera
Features currently under development:
- Username and Password support
- Different port support
- BASE64 optional encoding
- Response in XML, JSon
Take a look at the Manual for starting.
Use Cassandra from any language